Smart search for your website

Implementation of AI in the automation of business processes with an emphasis on increasing conversion in all areas of business



Conversion increase
Thanks to high-quality search, your customers will quickly find the right product and make purchases 30% more often.
Excellent relevance
Thanks to unique technologies, Spefix search is able to understand your customer and return only the desired results.
SEO Promotion
When using search, a person lingers on the site, takes certain actions, which significantly increases behavioral factors and, accordingly, the site rises in Googles ranking.

Simple integration
in 2 steps

No complicated settings No IT costs
Within an hour, the search on your site will become intelligent.

XML file

You provide an XML file with the products, if you do not have one, we ourselves for free We will set it up for you

Installation of

Install it yourself or we will help you install a small JavaScript widget code on your site

First $17

up to 7000 products

Processing of requests
  • 1-2 mistakes in one word are allowed
  • Permutation of letters
  • 1 letter skip
  • Extra letter, doubling of letter
  • Merging of two words
  • Words entered in cyrillic
    (brand, product name) automatically turned into latin and vice versa
Version for mobile phones Results filtering
Search by different types of content
Ability to filter by category
Daily xml file updates

Purchase a tariff plan

Third $100

more than 50 000 products

Search and ranking algorithms
Setting up the ability to influence the order of issuing categories and goods both from the client's side and from our side
Search and ranking algorithms
  • Display of relevant products with the "buy" button directly in the search window
  • Support multiple languages ​​for a multilingual site
  • Support for plain language in queries
  • Context-aware bug fixes
  • Search auto-tips (Tips for continuing queries, categories and top products)
  • Old/new price display
  • Analysis of clicks/transitions on prompts
Learning from conversions (behavioral factors)
  • Consideration of behavioral factors when calculating the relevant product to the request
  • Popularity of goods
  • Taking into account the popularity of products (sales, views, etc.) when calculating relevance

Purchase a tariff plan

Second $49

up to 50 000 products

Processing requests
  • Errors in transliteration
  • Correcting incorrect layout for each word separately
  • If you enter non-Cyrillic words (brand, product name),
    they are automatically converted
    to Latin and vice versa
Update xml file every hour
Morphology Synonyms API integration
Filter by category
tags, brands, price and other parameters
Dynamic display of available filters
sorting for a specific issue
Displaying the last 5 requests
in an empty search bar

Purchase a tariff plan